sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Viajar, Gabriel García Marquez

“Viajar es marcharse de casa
es dejar los amigos
es intentar volar.
Volar conociendo otras ramas
recorriendo caminos
es intentar cambiar.

Viajar es vestirse de loco
es decir “no me importa”
es querer regresar.
Regresar valorando lo poco
saboreando una copa
es desear empezar.

Viajar es sentirse poeta
escribir una carta
es querer abrazar.
Abrazar al llegar a una puerta
añorando la calma
es dejarse besar.

Viajar es volverse mundano
es conocer otra gente
es volver a empezar.
Empezar extendiendo la mano
aprendiendo del fuerte
es sentir soledad.

Viajar es marcharse de casa
es vestirse de loco
diciendo todo y nada con una
Es dormir en otra cama
sentir que el tiempo es corto
viajar es regresar.!

“To travel is to leave home 

is to leave the friends
is to try to fly.
Flying meeting new branches
walking roads
is to try to change. 

To travel is dress as madmen
is to say “I don’t mind”
is to want to come back. 
To return valuing the little
enjoying a drink 
is the desire to start. 

To travel is to feel poet 
write a letter 
is to want to hug.
Hug when you reach the door
missing the calm 
is to allow being kissed.

To travel is to become worldy
is to meet another people
is to start again.
Starting offering your hand
learning from the stronger 
is to feel loneliness. 

To travel is to leave home
is to dress like a madman
saying everything and nothing with a  
Is to sleep in another bed
feel that the time is short
to travel is to come back.!

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