viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Omán 1

I will be travelling far away from my country. 
I'm a lighting designer, I work, sometimes, for the National Ballet of Uruguay (SODRE).
We're going to do two shows in Muscat.
Yesterday I received confirmation about my participation in this trip. 
What an excited moment. I'm here, in the south of the south, really, really far away from this culture.
I was given three instructions about my behaviour in a muslim country:
1: No short sleeves
2: No short skirts
3: No cleavage
Yesterday in the middle of the night, with a curiosity's insomnia, the Internet  sent to me some information. Wiki offered numbers and History, and many others wrote about the way to greet, without our big kisses and hugs. I don't know if it's a myth about the Latin American but  we really like giving kisses. When we were in India, I was able to see that this is too affectionate.
I'm so sorry about my English, sometimes I think that I may be saying something rude but that isn't the intention. I'm only trying to express my point of view in a universal language. The same thing could  happen with other culture, like this new one (for me, obviously). I'm an Latin American Occidental woman who will be doing a masculine (generally) work in a Muslim country.
I have to know and respect "the others" cultures. 
And this is my trip now, to know.
I'm going to post information and write, if I have time to do it, take some pics and film some videos.
It might be you never see anyone apart from me. I have to be careful.

This is my first post, enjoy the trip. Friday, September 13, 2013 
I will be back soon 
and take care.

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